Tokio Marine #go TotalProtect Cancer Review

Tokio Marine #go TotalProtect Cancer Review

Last Updated on by Tree of Wealth

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About Tokio Marine #go TotalProtect Cancer

1 in 4 people may develop cancer in their lifetime. The risk of getting cancer increases as the person ages as well as family member history.

Our biggest asset lies in our ability to earn.  When we compare between an Early and a Late Stage Cancer, it is obvious that Early Stage CI has a higher survival rate. However it is almost humanely impossible to detect for Early Stage CI as they are usually discovered through regular body checks.

Early Stage CI Insurance plans protect your Ability to Earn, replacing your income when you and your family need it the most.

The good news is that recovery can happen with early diagnosis and treatment.

Tokio Marine #go TotalProtect Cancer is a critical illness plan that covers exclusively only on Cancer, as well as having more than just one payout. It is the first of such a Cancer protection plan, providing for those that only are more concerned of Cancer.

Aside from payouts for cancer of early, intermediate and advanced stage, this plan also pays out a monthly stream of income for 25 months in the event of advance late stage cancer.

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Features At a Glance for Tokio Marine’s #go TotalProtect Cancer

Be Protected for All Stages of Cancer

In the event of early, intermediate as well as advanced stage cancer, receive full sum assured payouts.

For diagnosis of Early and Intermediate stages of Cancer, receive one claim 100% of sum assured.

In the event of Advance (Late) Stage Cancer, receive one claim of 150% of sum assured, less any payouts claimed previously for early or intermediate stages.

Multiple Payouts For Persistent Advanced Stage Cancer

If the late stage (advanced) cancer has been diagnosed, or spread from previous diagnosis, or has persisted over the years or recurred after a few years, there will be an additional 2 claims available for claims.

Each claim is an additional 100% of sum assured. There is also a 2 years waiting period:

“The claim shall be at least 24 months apart from the date of diagnosis of the preceding Advanced Stage Cancer, or the date of admission of the preceding claim on Persistent Advanced Stage Cancer Benefit, where applicable.”

Source: Tokio Marine

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Monthly Income Payout

Receive up a stream of monthly payouts for 25 months when advanced stage cancer is diagnosed.

This is equivalent to 2% of the sum assured paid across 25 months to help ease the financial expenses/ burdens as a means to replace income.

Mental Illness and Pain Management Treatment

Something unique and thoughtful from Tokio Marine is the Cancer Wallet to take care of the post-cancer needs for Cancer treatments.

The coverage takes into consideration of ICU (more below), mental illness treatment and pain management treatment.

As Critical Illnesses coverage plans are to take care of income protection in the event the person’s ability to work is affected and unable to continue working, the support will cushion the impact of the expenses incurred from treatment stemming from Cancer.

This includes indemnifying expenses coming from mental illness treatment and pain management treatment, payout up to a reimbursable amount of $5, 000 SGD annually and capped at SGD25,000 per life insured.

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ICU Admission Benefit

In the event of admission into Intensive Care Unit with a total of at least 120 hours in one admission, there will be an additional payout equivalent to 50% of the sum assured paid out to further cushion the medical expenses incurred.

If you have hospitalization plans, this is a good amount to supplement the expenses but definitely not to replace hospital plans.

This additional payout is eligible for claims after an Advance Stage Cancer claims and is capped at a maximum S$50,000 SGD.

Death Payout

In the event of death, there is a payout of $10,000 SGD.

Supplementary Benefits (Riders) Available

Waiver of Premium Rider & (Enhanced) Payer Benefit Rider

In the event of Death, Total Permanent Disability and diagnosis of the covered Critical Illnesses, premiums for the payer will be waived off. This is especially helpful for 3rd party insurance, for example a parent paying for child, a child paying for their parents or husbands paying premiums for their wives.

Payer Benefit Rider, Spouse Rider

In the event of Death or TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for self or spouse, future premiums will be waived.

Enhanced Payer Benefit, Enhanced Spouse Rider

In the event of Death, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) or diagnosis of the covered Critical Illness of the Advance Stage, future premiums will be waived. This is applicable to both the policy holder (self) and spouse.

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Protect 1 Lite Rider

Perhaps the most unique rider of all, the Protect 1 Lite Rider from Tokio Marine is the only one of its kind in the market in Singapore. It pays out monthly benefits for 6 years upon the loss of ability to perform 1 out of 6 Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). The payout ranges from $1, 000 to $10, 000.

KidAssure GIO Rider

KidAssure GIO Rider to cover for death, hospitalization and juvenile/child-related illnesses. Additionally, 80% of your premiums paid will be refunded back to you at child’s age 19 upon the rider’s maturity.

Premiums At A Glance

Coverage To 75 Years old


$100, 000 Sum Assured $150, 000 Sum Assured $200, 000 Sum Assured

Male Age Next Birthday 30

$834 $1314.2 $1603
Male Age Next Birthday 35 $1084 $1626


Male Age Next Birthday 40 $1413 $2119.5


Coverage To 75 Years old


$100, 000 Sum Assured $150, 000 Sum Assured $200, 000 Sum Assured

Female Age Next Birthday 30

$1023 $1534.50 $1902
Female Age Next Birthday 35 $1299 $1948.50


Female Age Next Birthday 40 $1641 $2461.50


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How Tokio Marine #go TotalProtect Cancer Works

okio Marine #go TotalProtect Cancer
source: Tokio Marine


Why Tokio Marine TM Atlas Wealth  Is Suitable For You

  • Coverage for Cancer of all stages from Early, Intermediate to Advance Stage
  • Multipay Cancer coverage for first time, cancer advanced, cancer persistence or cancer recurrence
  • Monthly Income Payout – Receive up a stream of monthly payouts for 25 months when advanced stage cancer is diagnosed.
  • Mental Illness and Pain Management Treatment
  • ICU Admission Benefit – Receive additional payout equivalent to 50% of the sum assured
  • Death Payout – of $10,000 SGD

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It would however be less suitable if you would like:

  • Comprehensive Critical Illness coverage aside from Cancer
  • Accumulate cash value
  • Wealth Growth investment

What is Next?

The Tokio Marine #go TotalProtect Cancer is a critical illness plan that covers for Cancer multiple times. It is lower in cost as it only covers for Cancer, which is a critical illness most people would like to be covered for, since the occurrence and chances of getting it has been on the rise.

Should you be concerned on getting the most comprehensive coverage, feel free to get in touch with us and our licensed advisor will get in touch with you.

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