Terms and Conditions


These terms and conditions govern your use of our website. Please read the terms in full before you use this
Website. If you do not accept these terms, please do not use this Website. Using the Website implies that you
accept these terms. We do occasionally update these terms so please refer back to them in the future.
You will be able to access the majority of this Website without having to register or input any of your personal
details with us.
  • You are permitted to use our website for your own purposes and to print and download material from this
    Website. Material on this website must not be republished online or offline without our permission.
  • The intellectual property rights in all material on this Website are owned by us and must not be reproduced
    without our prior consent.
  • No part of this Website may be reproduced without our prior written permission.


While we take all reasonable steps to ensure that this Website is available 24 hours every day, our site may be temporarily unavailable due to issues such as system failure, maintenance or repair or for reasons beyond our control.


Any material you send or post to this Website shall be considered non-proprietary and not confidential. Unless you advise to the contrary via treeofwealth@outlook.com we will be free to share your personal data with third party providers as long as they are related to the service and product you enquired.

  • Any links to third party websites located on this Website are provided for your convenience only. We have not
    reviewed each third party website and have no responsibility for such third party websites or their content. We do not
    endorse the third party websites or make representations about them or any material contained in them. If you choose to
    access a third party website linked to from this Website, it is at your own risk.
  • If you would like to link to this Website, you may only do so on the basis that you link to, but do not replicate,
    any page on this Website, and subject to the following conditions:
  • you do not in any way imply that we are endorsing any services or products unless this has been specifically
    agreed with us in writing;
  • you do not misrepresent your relationship with us or present any false information about us;
  • you do not link from a website that is not owned by you; and
  • your website does not contain content that is offensive, controversial, infringes any intellectual property rights or
    other rights of any other person or does not comply in any way with the law in the Republic of Singapore


We aim to assist you with the education, comparison and research of insurance products in Singapore. We do
not charge any fee on usage of this website. When you submit a request to us for a Financial Adviser
Representative, you are giving us and the Financial Adviser Representative the explicit consent to contact you
even if you are registered with the National DNC (Do-Not-Call) Registry. If you change your mind, you may
withdraw your consent and we will accede to your request.
We merely provide a platform for you to communicate with a Financial Adviser Representative. While we
endeavour to introduce a well-trained, qualified Financial Adviser Representative to you, you are also advised
to exercise your due diligence. We are not responsible for any loss arising from the advice, conduct, acts and /
or omissions of the Financial Adviser Representative.
The Assigned Financial Adviser is not our representative, agent, principal, employee, employer, master, or
servant and shall not hold out to you or any person in any manner that he/she is the representative, agent,
principal, employee, employer, master, or servant of TreeOfWealth.SG.
If you are not satisfied with any products or services provided by a Financial Institution or Financial Adviser
Representative, you should send your feedback to that party directly.
  • Neither we nor any other party shall be liable or responsible for any kind of loss or damage that may result to you
    or a third party as a result of your or their use of this site. This exclusion shall include servicing or repair costs and,
    without limitation, any other direct, indirect or consequential loss, and whether in tort or contract or otherwise in
    connection with this Website.
  • Nothing in these Terms shall exclude or limit liability for any liability which cannot be excluded under the law of
    the Republic of Singapore.


This Legal Notice shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Singapore law. Any dispute(s) arising
in connection with this Legal Notice are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Republic of Singapore or a
jurisdiction mutually agreed.
TreeOfWealth.SG reserves the right to update, amend or change the content of this Web Portal without notice.

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