Compare Best Critical Illness Insurance Singapore 2025

Secure the most competitive coverage across early, intermediate, and late-stage critical illnesses like cancer, stroke, and heart attack, across 15 insurers.
best early stage critical illness insurance singapore

Competitive Quotes Over 15 Life Insurers

Life is full of uncertainties, and it’s crucial to have a reliable insurance plan to navigate through the ups and downs and achieve our long-term aspirations.

At Tree Of Wealth, we conduct a thorough comparison of more than 15 life insurers to assist you in acquiring the most suitable critical illness insurance plan that aligns with your unique requirements.

Singlife Multipay Critical Illness, Singlife Comprehensive Critical Illness

About Critical Illness Coverage

Critical illness coverage provides a lump sum, or multiple payout, to assist with replacing lost income during the recovery period, as well as covering the costs of alternative treatments and any extra medical bills.

How Critical Illness Coverage Supports You

Stay ahead with Early Critical Illness Plan, offering prompt financial support in the initial to late stages of critical illnesses, safeguarding your health and protecting your ability to earn.

Income Replacement

We advice to cover 2 to 3 times of your annual income for critical illness insurance.

Maintain Your Financial Objectives

Make sure that your medical expenses do not compromise your savings, investments, and other long-term goals.

Multiple & Single Payout

With the possibility of relapse or persistence, stay covered even after receiving a successful claim for diagnosis for early stage critical illness.

Get Thorough Quotes Across Different Critical Illness Insurers

Get In-Depth Income Replacement Early Critical Illness Insurance Comparisons Here.

Singlife with Aviva

Singlife Multipay Critical Illness

Waiting Period From Early To Advance CI
Early CI
100% of Sum Assured
Special Benefits
  • Benign Tumour Payouts
  • ICU Payouts
  • Additional 100% Payouts
Advance CI
  • 300% of Sum Assured
  • Total Payout Up to 900% of Sum Assured
Singlife with Aviva

Singlife Comprehensive Critical Illness

Waiting Period From Early To Advance CI
Early CI
100% of Sum Assured
Special Benefits
  • Benign Tumour Payouts
  • ICU Payouts
Advance CI
  • 100% of Sum Assured
  • Single Payout
Singlife with Aviva

Singlife Big 3 Critical Illness

Waiting Period From Early To Advance CI
Early CI
200% of Sum Assured
Special Benefits
  • ICU Payouts
  • 200% of Sum Assured (Early to Advance)
  • Single Payout for Cancer, heart attack, stroke, and 13 other specific heart and neurological conditions.
Tokio Marine

Tokio Marine
Early Cover

Waiting Period From Early To Advance CI
Early CI
100% of Sum Assured
Special Benefits
  • Early CI Premium Waiver
  • Death Benefit of $20k
Advance CI
  • 100% of Sum Assured
  • Single Payout
Waiting Period From Early To Advance CI
1 year
Early CI
100% of Sum Assured
Special Benefits
Diabetic Care Program
Advance CI
  • 100% of Sum Assured
  • Total Payout Up to 600% of Sum Assured
Tokio Marine

Tokio Marine
MultiCare Plan

Waiting Period From Early To Advance CI
Early CI
100% of Sum Assured
Special Benefits
  • Early CI Premium Waiver
  • Death Benefit of $20k
Advance CI
  • 300% of Sum Assured
  • Total Payout Up to 900% of Sum Assured
China Life Insurance Singapore

China Life
Cancer Guardian

Early Cancer Payout


Advance Cancer Payout


Death Benefit


No- Claim Discount


Waiting Period From Early To Advance CI
1 year
Early CI
50% of Sum Assured5
Special Benefits
  • Gender Specific CIs
  • Free Health Check

Advance Cancer Payout



Absolute Critical Cover

Waiting Period From Early To Advance CI
1 year
Early CI
100% of Sum Assured
Special Benefits
  • Cash Value For Up to Age 100
Advance CI
  • 100% of Sum Assured
  • Total Payout Up to 500% of Sum Assured

Premiums At a Glance

Single Payout of $100k Sum Assured to 75 Years Old from age 30

InsurerMale Annual PremiumFemale Annual Premium
Tokio Marine$931$967

Multiple Payout of $100k Sum Assured to 75 Years Old from age 30

InsurerMale Annual PremiumFemale Annual Premium
HSBC Life$1,165$1,175
Tokio Marine$1,628$1,702

Here's what our clients say..

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Early Stage CI plans are structured to be payout once. As Insurers now are recognizing Critical Illnesses may reoccur, Multiple Pay plans seek to address a main concern: When the person is un-insurable (even after receiving a payout from Early Stage CI Claim) after being diagnosed with an Early Stage CI, would the person want to continue working, worrying about monthly expenses? Or would he or she like to spend time with family members and loved ones, focusing on getting well and healing the illness, without having to concern about the critical illness relapsing. 

    Multiple Pay also means that there are more payouts should your condition re-occur, persist (CI doesn’t go away and still remains) or new CI being diagnosed. 

    Early Stage CI plan fills in the gap that are commonly overlooked and replaces your income, providing financial consistency when early stage diagnosis of critical illness.

    While a healthcare plan covers for your hospitalisation treatment and ward stay, a good Critical Illness plan serves as an Income Replacement plan. If any, this is the single most important reason to get Early Stage CI coverage, as it provides for financial stability in the time that you need it the most and unable perform at your maximum in your profession. As with the morbidity rate, Critical Illness plans are priced lower the younger the person is. It is crucial to get a comprehensive Critical Illness coverage.

    Traditional Critical Illness Policy only covers Major Late Stage, which is Advance Stage CI. Early Stage CI Insurance fills that gap by covering even if you are diagnosed with Early Stage CI because you would not be able to claim under usual CI plans as there is a void where they fall short that would render unable to claim, simply because Early Stage CIs are not covered. 

    A good example is carcinoma in situ (Early Stage Cancer). They are cells that are not normal and have not spread yet. However, they may potentially become full fledged cancerous cells and spread into nearby tissues/organs (Advance Stage). This is why they are also known as Stage 0/1 cancer.

    Do you know that total loss of sight in 1 eye is considered Early Stage CI? Other lesser known examples include:

    • Insertion of Cardiac Pacemaker (Early Stage Heart Attack)
    • Brain Aneurysm Surgery (Early Stage Stroke)
    • 48 hours Coma
    • Loss of Hearing in 1 Ear

    Yes, there is a difference. The total coverage amount is the total sum assured for the early critical illness, where as the total claim amount is the payout amount per claim, usually capped at for example, $250, 000 or a maximum of $350, 000, depending on the individual insurer.

    For instance, depending on the individual insurer, the claim limit for Aviva is at $250, 000 and for some insurers like AXA and Tokio Marine they are at $350, 000, per early critical illness diagnosis claim. The total coverage limit for AXA is at $3, 000,000 and this means early critical illness diagnosis coverage is limited at $350, 000 per payout, it can be covered for more than twice that claim limit.

    No, you are not over-insured and yes, you will still be able to claim from different insurers, as long as your total coverage sum assured amount is not more than $2, 000, 000 SGD.

    2 to 3 years of your annual income is usually adviced, inclusive of any bonuses that you may have. This is because in the event of Early Stage CI occurring, you have 2 to 3 years of Income Protection as well as to cover for costs coming from treatment. And frankly, no one goes for 3 years chemotherapy sessions. 

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