Best Cancer Critical Illness Plan Singapore 2025

Best Cancer Critical Illness Plan Singapore

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When it comes to Critical Illness conditions, Cancer forms one of the largest factor in terms of chances of diagnosis and getting it, as well as the areas of claims.

Our biggest asset lies in our ability to earn.  When we compare between an Early and a Late Stage Cancer, it is obvious that the Early Stage cancer usually have a higher survival rate. However it is almost humanely impossible to detect for Early Stage as they are usually discovered through regular body checks.

What is Cancer Insurance Coverage?

Cancer cases have been on the rising trend over the years and survival rates for people with cancer have greatly improved as well with advancements in cancer treatments. However, living with cancer and pro-longed treatment might drain our savings and cause loss of income.

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Why is Cancer Insurance Protection Important?

Cancer may occur to anyone and the fact is that 1 in every 4 Singaporeans are developing cancer in this lifetime. The costs to treat cancer is high, spanning 6- digits of $100,000 to more than $200, 000 every year for advance stages of cancer.

It is vital to have protection coverage for Cancer as it covers from early, intermediate or advance stages. Covering your potential loss of income gives a peace of mind to focus on recovering from the illness as lump sum payout from Cancer Plans certainly work as a form of income protection.

mighty thor
Even superheroes get cancer. Source: Marvel

As Critical Illness (CI) plans are known as Income Replacement Coverage, Cancer Insurance Plans are a form of CI protection plan, but they cover Cancer as it is most people’s concerns.

Income Replacement

The most important reason to get Early Stage CI coverage – Providing financial stability when you need it the most and unable to perform at maximum capacity in your profession. It is crucial to get a comprehensive Critical Illness coverage.

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Cancer Coverage

Pure Income protection. full coverage for early to intermediate to advance stage Cancer to ensure Income protection

Features Comparison of Cancer Protection Plans Singapore (2025)

Tokio Marine Protect Cancer

Etiqa Insurance
Cancer Insurance
China Life
Cancer Guardian
Tokio Marine
#go TotalProtect Cancer

NTUC Income
Cancer Protect

Early Cancer Payout

50% 100% 100% 100% 15%

Advance Cancer Payout

100% 100% 100% 100%


Death Benefit $5000 $5000 $5000 $10, 000


Multiple Claims No No No Yes


Tokio Marine #go TotalProtect Cancer

Be Protected for All Stages of Cancer

In the event of early, intermediate as well as advanced stage cancer, receive full 100% sum assured payouts.

For diagnosis of Early and Intermediate stages of Cancer, receive one claim 100% of sum assured.

In the event of Advance (Late) Stage Cancer, receive one claim of 150% of sum assured, less any payouts claimed previously for early or intermediate stages.

Multiple Payouts For Persistent Advanced Stage Cancer

If the late stage (advanced) cancer has been diagnosed, or spread from previous diagnosis, or has persisted over the years or recurred after a few years, there will be an additional 2 claims available for claims.

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Each claim is an additional 100% of sum assured. There is also a 2 years waiting period:

“The claim shall be at least 24 months apart from the date of diagnosis of the preceding Advanced Stage Cancer, or the date of admission of the preceding claim on Persistent Advanced Stage Cancer Benefit, where applicable.”

Source: Tokio Marine

Monthly Income Payout

Receive up a stream of monthly payouts for 25 months when advanced stage cancer is diagnosed.

This is equivalent to 2% of the sum assured paid across 25 months to help ease the financial expenses/ burdens as a means to replace income.

Mental Illness and Pain Management Treatment

Something unique and thoughtful from Tokio Marine is the Cancer Wallet to take care of the post-cancer needs for Cancer treatments.

The coverage takes into consideration of ICU (more below), mental illness treatment and pain management treatment.

As Critical Illnesses coverage plans are to take care of income protection in the event the person’s ability to work is affected and unable to continue working, the support will cushion the impact of the expenses incurred from treatment stemming from Cancer.

This includes indemnifying expenses coming from mental illness treatment and pain management treatment, payout up to a reimbursable amount of $5, 000 SGD annually and capped at SGD25,000 per life insured.

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ICU Admission Benefit

In the event of admission into Intensive Care Unit with a total of at least 120 hours in one admission, there will be an additional payout equivalent to 50% of the sum assured paid out to further cushion the medical expenses incurred.

If you have hospitalization plans, this is a good amount to supplement the expenses but definitely not to replace hospital plans.

This additional payout is eligible for claims after an Advance Stage Cancer claims and is capped at a maximum S$50,000 SGD.

Death Payout

In the event of death, there is a payout of $10,000 SGD.

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Supplementary Benefits (Riders) Available

  • Waiver of Premium Rider & (Enhanced) Payer Benefit Rider
  • Payer Benefit Rider, Spouse Rider
  • Enhanced Payer Benefit, Enhanced Spouse Rider
  • Protect 1 Lite Rider
  • KidAssure GIO Rider

You may be interested in our full review: Tokio Marine #go TotalProtect Cancer Review

China Life Cancer Guardian

Cancer Benefit

The following points will be excluded in the definition of “Cancer” for this plan:

  1. a) All tumours which are histologically classified as any of the following:

– Pre-malignant;

– Non-invasive;

– Having borderline malignancy;

– Having any degree of malignant potential;

– Having suspicious malignancy;

– Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour; or

– Cervical Dysplasia CIN -1, CIN-2

  1. b) Any non-melanoma skin carcinoma, skin confined primary cutaneous lymphoma and dermatofibrosarcomaprotuberansunless there is evidence of metastases to lymph nodes or beyond;
  2. c) Malignant melanoma that has not caused invasion beyond the epidermis;
  3. d) Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia RAI Stage 0; and
  4. e) All tumours in the presence of HIV infection

source: China Life

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On top of that, Cancer that is diagnosed on the basis of discovering tumour cells and/or tumour-associated molecules in blood, saliva, faeces, urine or any other bodily fluid in the absence of further definitive and clinically verifiable evidence does not meet the criteria. In-depth test to support the diagnosis is required.

Full Payout for Cancer of Early, Intermediate & Advance Stages

In the event of a diagnosis for cancer from early, intermediate or advanced stage, 100% of the sum assured will be paid out. The coverage can be renewed up to age 100. The plan will end after the payout is made.

Death Benefit

In the event of death, there will be a lump sum benefit of $5000, and the plan will end after the payout.

No-Claim Discount Benefit

Following the second policy year onwards, there will be a no-claim discount of 8% of total yearly premiums paid for the previous year of the policy term, and will be given during policy renewal. This benefit will be available in the event that there are no claims made during the previous year.

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Guaranteed Renewal

As this is a yearly renewable plan, it will automatically renew the policy at every year with the same sum assured, without any further underwriting process.

Simplified Application

This plan is easy to apply with only 3 questions asked. It is also hassle free as there is no medical check-up required.

Premium Comparison

For Non-Smoker, $100,000 Sum Assured (Before applying No-Claim Discount)


Male Female


$144 $250




45 $390


50 $612


For Non-Smoker, $300,000 Sum Assured (Before applying No-Claim Discount)


Male Female



40 $556


45 $860


50 $1,408


You may be interested in our full review: China Life Cancer Guardian Review

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Etiqa Cancer Insurance

Yearly Discounts

In the event that there are no claims made, get 6% of no-claim discounts of the total premiums paid for the previous year of the policy term, and will be given during policy renewal.

Guaranteed Renewal

As this is a yearly renewable plan, it will automatically renew the policy at every year with the same sum assured, without any further underwriting process. The coverage is able to renew and cover to 85 years old maximum.

Cancer Cover Options

Choose from sun assured of S$50,000, S$100,000 or S$200,000 according to what your protection concerns.

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Competitive Plan & Premium

Being one of the more competitive Cancer Plan in the market, the premiums can go very competitive.

Full Payout for Cancer of Early, Intermediate & Advance Stages

In the event of a diagnosis for cancer from early, intermediate or advanced stage, 100% of the sum assured will be paid out

Death Benefit

In the event of death, there will be a lump sum benefit of $5000, and the plan will end after the payout.You may be interested in our full review: Etiqa Cancer Insurance Review

TM Protect Cancer

Early Stage Cancer Benefit

In the event of early stage Cancer diagnosis, 50% of the sum assured will be paid out. The flexible part of this benefit is that the plan does not end once the payout happens. The sum assured will be reduced by the amount paid, and the protection continues. Subsequent premiums paid after this will be adjusted as well.

Advanced Stage Cancer Benefit

In the event of Advanced stage Cancer diagnosis, 100% of the sum assured will be paid out. This plan will end once the full sum assured amount has been paid out.

Death Benefit

In the event of death, a fixed sum of $5,000 will be paid out and the plan will end as well.

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Guaranteed Renewal

This plan offers guaranteed renewability. The coverage will continue, despite any future changes to the policyholder’s health condition.

Simplified Application

The application for this plan only requires you to answer 7 simple questions.

Annual Premium Rate

The premiums for this plan varies from several factors such as age, gender and smoking status. The below annual premium rate table allows you to have an understanding on the premiums per $1000 sum assured.

Age Next Birthday

Male Non-Smoker Male Smoker Female Non-Smoker Female Smoker

30 – 34

1.56 2.13 2.58 3.9

35 – 39

1.92 2.85 3.59


40 – 44 2.63 4.24 5.15


45 – 49 3.70 6.39 6.85


50 – 54 5.99 10.86 8.16


55 – 58

8.94 16.52 9.38 17.64
59 – 61 11.94 22.31 10.00


62 – 64 16.12 30.37 11.11


65 – 67

21.85 41.50 12.77 24.50

68 – 70

27.62 52.75 14.52


71 – 73

34.18 65.74 16.65 32.29
74 – 76



19.83 37.89
77 – 79 47.82 87.11 23.33


80 – 82 53.35 91.02 27.02


83 – 85 54.41 91.02 27.60


Source: Tokio Marine

You may be interested in our full review: Tokio Marine TM Protect Cancer Review

Income Cancer Protect

 Early Stage of Major Cancer Benefit

Upon the diagnosis of early stage cancer during the policy term, 25% of the sum issured will be paid out. The policy will continue for the remaining benefits.

This is the lowest payout for early stage cancer.

Advanced Stage of Major Cancer Benefit

In the event of diagnosis of advanced stage of major cancer during the policy term, there are 2 circumstances which this benefit will be paid as shown in the table below.

Circumstances Benefit Amount
If the policyholder has successfully claimed the Early Stage of Major Cancer Benefit 100% of Sum Assured will be paid out
If the policyholder has not claim the Early Stage of Major Cancer Benefit 125% of Sum Assured will be paid out

Source: NTUC Income

The same waiting period of 90 days applies, and once the benefit has been paid out, this plan will terminate.

Death Benefit (Accidental / Non-Accidental)

This plan would pay out in the event of death, be it accidental or non-accidental.

In the event non-accidental death occurs within the 1st year of the coverage, 100% of the total premiums will be refunded. If non-accidental death occurs after the 1st year onwards, a pay out of $5000 will be payable.

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Renewability and Premiums

The policy term will be 10 years each time and premiums are level during this period.

At the end of each policy term, the policy can be renewed automatically without further underwriting for another 10 years policy term if there is no claim made except that of the Early Stage of Major Cancer benefit.

Simplified Application

This plan is easy to apply with minimal medical underwriting questions asked.

Premium Comparison

For Non-Smoker, $50,000 Sum Assured

Age Male Female
30 $166.15 $223.85
40 $229.05 $324.20
45 $290.75 $410.20
50 $394 $508.85

For Non-Smoker, $100,000 Sum Assured

Age Male Female
30 $207.70 $326.55
40 $334.60 $528.45
45 $458.05 $701.50
50 $664.60 $895.35

You may be interested in our full review: Income Cancer Protect

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does Cancer plan covers other Critical Illnesses aside from Cancer?

Cancer Insurance Plans are a kind of Critical Illness plans that covers specifically for Cancer. As Cancer is one of the leading major causes of death in Singapore. The amount of diagnosed cases is on the rising trend over the years. Therefore, Cancer Coverage plans only has coverage for Cancer.

What Stages of Cancer does Cancer Insurance plans Cover?

They cover from early to intermediate to advance stage of Cancer. However not all Insurers cover fully for all 3 stage, especially the early and intermediate stages. Only certain Insurers cover 100% of Early and Intermediate stages. Most Insurer do pay out 100% for advance stage Cancer.

Why is there a need for Cancer only insurance plan?

As Cancer is one of the leading major causes of death in Singapore and the amount of diagnosed cases is on the rising trend over the years. However, most people with existing conditions unrelated to Cancer, for example like heart attack, high BMI or even diabetic patients, are being denied from the usual Critical Illness coverage plans as they have existing conditions, would like to be covered with Cancer protection.

There is still simplified medical underwriting, but Cancer Insurance Plans give people with conditions a chance to be protected against Cancer.

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Is there a limit for Early Stage Cancer Coverage Amount?

Yes, not all Cancer Insurance pays out for early and intermediate stage Cancer equally.

What if I have more than 2 Cancer Insurance plans from different insurers? Would I be over-insured and not able to claim?

No, you are not over-insured and yes, you will still be able to claim from different insurers.

How Much Cancer Coverage Do I Need?

2 to 3 years of your annual income is usually advised, inclusive of any bonuses that you may have. This is because in the event of Early Stage Cancer occurring, you have 2 to 3 years of Income Protection as well as to cover for costs coming from treatment. And frankly, no one goes for 3 years chemotherapy sessions.

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Cancer plans are Suitable if You:

  • Have pre-existing conditions other than Cancer
  • Prefers a comprehensive and good-for-value cancer coverage
  • Prefers the payout to be 100% of sum assured for all stages of cancer
  • Prefers simplified and hassle free application
  • Prefers flexibility in the coverage (the plan is yearly renewable)

Have a read at why Critical Illness plans are important and how it protects your income: Critical Illness Coverage: What It Is & How it Works

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It would however be less suitable if you:

  • More comprehensive coverage aside Cancer (i.e. other critical illnesses)
  • Prefer cash value in the plan
  • Prefer to have multiple payout instead of single payout
  • Prefer to have disability coverage
  • Prefer to have a high death benefit

How much coverage do I need in Singapore?

As Critical Illness plans are a form of Income Replacement, it is important to take note that a Cancer critical illness plan is not the same as health insurance and it is not to be confused as an investment or savings plan.

Most importantly, Cancer plans can cover the person should they have pre-existing conditions aside from Cancer. The protection does not cancel (pun not intended) the person just because they have heart conditions.

Cancer plans are similiar to critical illness plans. The difference is that it only covers Cancer. In that, upon only Cancer occurrence/ diagnosis of the life assured, the plan will payout to policyholders. 

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